Monday, November 23, 2009

One month old

I can't believe he is already a month old. He has been such a joy! he is seriously such a good baby. He weighed in today at 9lbs. 1 oz. He's up more than 2 lbs from his last appointment just 2 weeks ago!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Baby Johnny and Halloween

Too exhausted to write (except that Abby did her own Halloween makeup), just enjoy the pictures.

Monday, October 26, 2009

"Baby Brother" Nash

He's here!! Our sweet baby boy, who's name is yet to be determined, was born on Friday, Oct. 23 at 9:57 am. Weighing in at 6lbs. 9oz. and 20.5 in long. Not bad for 4 weeks early. He's so sweet and all he wants to sleep. You would think that one would be happy with all the sleep but I spent most my day (and night) trying to wake him up (crazy, I know) so I can try to feed him. Most of us can't get enough of him, Abby is having some issues. She said today she wanted him back in my belly. We are so happy he is here!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Passing on the Torch (Sort of)

Apparently Tiffany and Nicole don't think I'm doing a very good job keeping the family blog updated so, they have both started their own. They love getting comments, so keep 'em coming! I too will TRY to be better about posting more:)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Boring Blog :(

So, it has come to my attention that some are finding my blog a bit boring. Perhaps it has been a little neglected. So, here is my attempt to "spice things up" a little.......

Due Nov. 21

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We're Back!!

Well, not much goin' on here. This happens to be the most exciting thing in our home at the moment....

Abigail has decided she wants to use the potty. Really on her own, I haven't forced the issue much. If I've learned anything from motherhood it's that, having to run to the potty when you're at the very back of Costco, just makes life that much harder!

So, Abby announces she has to "peed", and her sisters come running to watch! I guess for some strange reason it is pretty dang cute. Side note: Tiffany's stomach doesn't really stick out like that, she just has terrible posture!