Monday, September 15, 2008

Senior Moments...

You know you're getting older when either one of the following happens to you.....

1. You take a shower, and as you are squirting conditioner in your hand you can't remember (FOR THE LIFE OF YOU!) if you shampooed 30 seconds earlier.

2. You have a conversation with you 10 year old that goes a little something like this;

child- mom, those lines around your mouth show really bad (pointing to her own smile lines).

mom- thanks (sarcastically)

child- WHAT? I just thought you might want to get some cream or somethin' to fix it!

mom- hmmm

child- (mumbling to herself) they look like parentheses.

Yes, these both happened to me today. Looks like its time for some Ginkgo biloba and Botox!


brookeisacrazylady said...

okay, so i have a daily debate on whether i've already shampooed....glad i'm not the only one.

Beth said...

One day I washed my face in the shower with conditioner.... Yeah, definitely getting older. Or maybe it's our kids that are just making us tired.

deborah said...

i have done the shampoo thing before... now when tif said that to you about your lines where you smiling? don't smile around your kids, we don't want to give them the impression we are happy and enjoying what we do. they will walk all over us.

Nash said...

OK, since we are admitting (i don't have the shampoo prob) every time I leave my house I cannot for the LIFE of me remember if I shut the garage door. It's such a habit and I'm so afraid that I will leave it open that I end up turning around to go see (about 20% of the time) and it's ALWAYS shut. BUGS ME! I am trying to make a conscious effort to pay attention as I drive off, cause I hate going back.
parentheses? too funny.

Pam said...


Emily said...

I just had a 10 year old stranger ask me if I was pregnant. YES. PREGNANT. Feelin' great about myself about now.

Sarah Heder said...

Oh Pam, that's bad! Don't you love when your children point out the flaws in you? It seems they're either the best self-esteem builders (ex: Josie told me I was funny one day) or the worst (ex: that my belly is big and I wasn't pregnant). Either way, I don't know what your kids are talking about! I always describe you as a human Barbie doll! You look beautiful!

allison said...

Maren likes to point out my "booger hairs" (nose hairs). And while shopping at Wal-Mart a few weeks ago, she kept insisting I had a "big bum" and that I had "tooties"---though I swear I didn't! Funny at three, but not in a few years. Kids are humbling, that's for sure.

allison said...

Oh, and you might want to try Restylane for those punctuation marks.

Amy said...

Ha Ha, make me laugh. I just went into my bathroom (yea this might be weird for all you Balmforth's) to ask Dave a question while he was in the shower and he said to me, "I can't remember if I already put shampoo in my hair." So I asked him if he had just read your blog and he said "No why?", so I told him about your parentheses and he was laughing!

motherload said...

my all natural solution to those pesky facial lines, gain about 50 lbs, it smooths them right out. Oh, it's me Tracy, I've decided to give blogging a try. buttloadofblessing.blogspot

Evil Brother In Law said...

Pam, you won't really be old until you need help shaving your back. I'm sure Tiffany will help. She's the nice one.

Until then, consider yourself in your prime.

Moore Fun said...

You are hilarious! I loved your comment about Mrs. Curry.

mid said...