Monday, October 26, 2009

"Baby Brother" Nash

He's here!! Our sweet baby boy, who's name is yet to be determined, was born on Friday, Oct. 23 at 9:57 am. Weighing in at 6lbs. 9oz. and 20.5 in long. Not bad for 4 weeks early. He's so sweet and all he wants to sleep. You would think that one would be happy with all the sleep but I spent most my day (and night) trying to wake him up (crazy, I know) so I can try to feed him. Most of us can't get enough of him, Abby is having some issues. She said today she wanted him back in my belly. We are so happy he is here!


Hillary said...

Congratulations - he's so adorable!

Nash said...

he is changing already. i want to hold him so bad, hope i can find some time to come out this week.
thought maybe his name would be announced here.??
poor abby.

Beth said...

He is so perfect! And he was born Friday??? I think it's time he got a name.

Claire said...

So Cute! Congratulations! Glad you are both healthy!

Robyn said...

Congratulations Nash Family! I'm so happy to see your update! Way to go in the boy department!

Kate said...

yay, so great and he is just too cute for words!!

Sarah Heder said...

Seriously. Is having a baby going to be what it takes for you to update your blog? Perhaps you should consider getting pregnant again. ASAP. J/K! That's the last thing you want to hear right now. He really is a handsome fellow. And I still say he looks more like Nicole than Tiffany/Abby.

I will know sing you the song from the scene in "Back to the Future" when Michael J. Fox sings, "Go Johnny, go go, go Johnny go, go . . . Johnny be good." Okay, you want to slap me now don't you because now I'm just being obnoxious, aren't I? Well, that's because it's 11pm at night and I need to get to bed.

Moore Fun said...

Precious! Jealous he sleeps so much, Brady is finally sleeping through the night. Only took him five months! Good luck picking a name.

allison said...

Did you chop off your hair?

Pam said...

no, it's in a pony tail, to the side i guess.

Katie Renee Balmforth said...

I seriously had NO idea you were even pregnant!! You guys better go to grandmas for Christmas so i can see my new cousin! I miss you guys and I hope I see you soon.