Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trunk or Treat

Last night was our ward trunk or treat. I have spent the last month slaving away at costumes for the girls. That's right folks, these babies are hand made (mostly) by yours truly.

I was afraid Abby wouldn't want to wear her costume. She cried during her "fittings" but as soon as I put her little black doggy nose (which she almost immediately rubbed off by touching and saying, "yook at my nose") she loved it. I'm not quite done putting the black spots on the skirt.

Nicole, my little politician, was Betsy Ross. She's not showing her bag which looks like the original American Flag and kind of makes the whole outfit make sense. She was pleased that people at church knew who she was since no at school had even heard of Betsy Ross (sad).

Tiff, who was originally supposed to be Lola from Hannah Montana, decided it was easier just to tell everyone she was a punk. It took way to long to try and explain exactly WHO Lola was.
And then there was me....I wasn't going to dress up originally but, when I came across an awesome dress Friday afternoon (thanks Michelle) for $15, I couldn't pass it up. Just see for yourself....

I was Miss Utah 1985 and my friend Naomi was Miss Hawaii 1985. We even won a prize. I mean, OF COURSE we won a prize. We looked goooood!! My hair just poofed so naturally. I think I may have missed my true purpose in life.

A few more pictures of some of my friends. Naomi, Lisa (Galaxy fan), me, Sarah (the garden gnome).

Here are the Heders. Jon , Kirsten, and Evan ( big bad wolf, grandma, and little red) and Dan, Sarah, Josie, and Tallulah (the garden gnome family). I put this up specifically to give props to Sarah who made these costumes. You rock Sarah!

Here we are with those groovy Cookes. I wish I would have taken more pictures. There were so many good costumes. Hopefully I can get more on Halloween. Oh, in case you were wondering, Andrew is in New York and missed all the fun.


Beth said...

Your whole family looked PERFECT!

deborah said...

you are HOT!! love the costume, the girls look so good and you did a great job on their costumes.

Sarah Heder said...

Thanks for the props on my costume making skills. Loved that shout-out! I still can't believe you made all your girls' costumes. They looked great. I love that Nicole wanted to be Betsy Ross. I don't know why I think that's funny and awesome at the same time. Most of all, you looked so great in your costume. I gotta say it was hilarious to see you guys. Not only was your costume good, but you stayed in character (with the crying and everything) throughout the night. I love when people act out their costumes. It was a fun night! No pressure for next year, huh? Yeah right! I'm already trying to come up with what to do next.

Amy said...

That looked like so much fun. The girls costumes look great, very impressive. What's happening to you? Sewing? I was wondering what those facebook things were all about. Your hair is the best, even better than the $15 dress, well, maybe not, they are pretty close. Kinda like the grape and cherry snowcones.

Kate said...

love it love it! you're hair is perfect! The ensemb...fabulous! you and sarah are my sewing hero's!

Emily said...


YOU LOOK AMAZING. You were really meant to be a pageant girl! I mean, LOOK AT YOUR HAIR. If you can get your hair to look like you came out of 1985, (I honestly thought you were wearing a wig) then YOU CAN DO ANYTHING.

And you made your girls costumes? Why are we just now finding out about your secret talents? (pageant queen, sewing queen . . .)

Too bad Andrew missed all the fun. I'm sad I missed it!

You all look great!

And, I'm wiping a little tear of joy from my eye from your pageant win.

I'm just so proud of you. :)

Emily said...

BTW, tell Tiffany I TOTALLY KNOW WHO Lola is. Everyone else is just not with it!

motherload said...

any excuse to wear your tiara Pam!
I'm totally impressed with the fact that you made costumes! Shelby wanted to dress up as Natalie. Who's Natalie you ask, well she is Monks assistant on the show Monk. Go figure that one out, but I found an old purple velvety old prom dress at Moms,(Holly said it was yours)so now she is going to be a princess.

Tanya said...

The girls looks so cute in their costumes and of course,you looked totally rad.

Barnes Blog said...

Poor Andrew, I'm sure he's really upset. You looked so awesome! I love the costume. Your girls looked so good too, I can't believe you made those costumes, I am very impressed. And tell Tiffany that I knew exactly who she was, and Lola is my favorite.

mom said...

You can sew, Pam! I didn't fail as a mother! The costumes are darling.

allison said...

Hot and still modest! Yes, it can be done. Perfect role for you for so many reasons---not to mention your great hope for world peace.

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with Abby's skirt! If you decide to teach the girls how to make them, please let me know! I'll make 'em for my future lil' babies or my lil' sister. :)

Nash said...

I love the HAIR!
OH, and the make up. Seriously the blue eye shadow wins hands down.
The girls look great. I don't have disney channel and I know who lola is. I love Nicole's. I think it's great that she chose an honorable person to be.
I love Sarah's family theme too. Such a fun idea.
I love your mom's comment. My mom sure wishes she could say the same about me.

motherload said...



brookeisacrazylady said...

i saw these pictures late sunday night ....

and then you were in my dream that night. but it was a scary halloween one and you got kidnapped...probably because you were so sought after because of the costume. i found you though. so don't worry.

allison said...

Nicole's a true patriot and my hero.

Naomi Kaleihinano said...

WE do rock it Beauty Queen style!!
2much fun!!