Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Better Watch What We Say
"Mind you own business"
"You psycho"
"You annoying"
"Shut you mouth"
"Chew with you mouth closed"
"You a pain in the butt"
And my personal favorite, which she said to me this morning,
"You ruin my life"
(Nicole is always saying that to Tiff.)
I guess we better be more careful about what we say around here.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Say Cheese
It was SOOO fun!! I think the adults may have had more fun with it than the kids did (Sarah). You see your pictures instantly and they print out on the spot. It's such a great idea for parties, weddings, ect. Anyway that's my plug, check it out for yourself.

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Praise To The Man...
We were invited to a "dress up" Halloween party. We have never been to one before so this was a new experience for us. I didn't think Andrew would get into it and I was right up until about 5 hours till party time. Then he decides that he wants to go as the Joker. His friend told him earlier in the week that he had good "joker hair", nuff said! So, me being amazing, threw this little number together in just a few short hours. After a quick trip to the thrift store, craft store, and Halloween store, I rushed home to dye his shirt purple and his vest green. Then came make up and hair. Wa La........

Here are a few pictures at the Water Cube and The Birds Nest with some random Chinese people who wanted their pictures taken with Andrew. They must have thought, with those killer looks, he's got to be "somebody".
Monday, December 1, 2008
I remember when she was born, she was such a pretty newborn. She wasn't all squished or cone headed. She is a sweet, intense, serious, little girl and we love her very much! She's got her mom's looks and her dad's brains. What more could a girl ask for?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Trunk or Treat
I was afraid Abby wouldn't want to wear her costume. She cried during her "fittings" but as soon as I put her little black doggy nose (which she almost immediately rubbed off by touching and saying, "yook at my nose") she loved it. I'm not quite done putting the black spots on the skirt.

Tiff, who was originally supposed to be Lola from Hannah Montana, decided it was easier just to tell everyone she was a punk. It took way to long to try and explain exactly WHO Lola was.

A few more pictures of some of my friends. Naomi, Lisa (Galaxy fan), me, Sarah (the garden gnome).
Friday, October 17, 2008
Cute Abba-girl
Abby loves to sing and one of her favorites is "Take Me Out To The Ball Game". For a long time, she would interrupt anyone who was singing it, and yell "boobies". Seriously, I have no idea why. Now, she will actually sing it (or attempt to sing). You can make out "Take me out, crackerjacks, one, two, game, and route, route, Dodgers". Everything else is a little unclear. So, here she is doing the "boobies" version and the real version.
FYI- about 35 seconds in, there are 2 VERY loud horn honks.
Monday, October 13, 2008
"Punkin" Time
So, if your sick of all the pumpkin patch blogs that seem to surface this time of year, tough! You see, I'm not your typical "take your kid on an outing for fun" kind of mom. So, the fact that we went, and I remembered my camera, deserves to be documented.

picture of what Abby would look like with her ears pinned back)
She's so stinkin' cute
Abby and Josie's cup of food
Abby, Josie, and Chloe
Me and my baby.
No pumpkins were purchased. Tiffany and Nicole would go into cardiac arrest if I had picked out their pumpkins for them! Looks like we'll be back.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Andrew had an amazing opportunity to spend a week in China (yes I was invited. no, I was dumb and didn't go). He saw many amazing things like The Great Wall, Forbidden City, Water Cube, Birds Nest and much more (we still need to go through the pictures).
One of the things he was most excited to see was this guy........

He was working out in the Hotel gym and this guy was the only other person there. They swapped plates, spotted each other, you know, guy stuff. Let's also keep in mind that Andrew is 6'4" and he looks like a midget here!
** Ladies, if you don't know who this guy is, ask your husbands, boyfriends, whatever. Maybe they'll be impressed.
Since I have been granted access to speak of Andrew, I'm going to take advantage of it. I just want to wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow (24th) and tell the whole world how wonderful...blah,blah, lucky I am....blah,blah,blah....must stop now, making myself nauseous. You complete me (sniff,sniff). Love you Angelbabe!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Senior Moments...
1. You take a shower, and as you are squirting conditioner in your hand you can't remember (FOR THE LIFE OF YOU!) if you shampooed 30 seconds earlier.
2. You have a conversation with you 10 year old that goes a little something like this;
child- mom, those lines around your mouth show really bad (pointing to her own smile lines).
mom- thanks (sarcastically)
child- WHAT? I just thought you might want to get some cream or somethin' to fix it!
mom- hmmm
child- (mumbling to herself) they look like parentheses.
Yes, these both happened to me today. Looks like its time for some Ginkgo biloba and Botox!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hooray for Headphones!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Back to School
Monday, September 1, 2008
So Funny, Seriously!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Self Portrait
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Drama Queen Tiff
Friday, July 11, 2008
The 4th

Nicole was having a good time until I started dancing and singing along.

She told me I was embarrassing her and to sit down. I told her that's what are parents are for, to embarrass their kids! I wouldn't be embarrassed of me, I think I'm pretty dang awesome!!